The Purpose of Spiritual Texts and Teachings

As channeled from the Beings of Light Through Liesel.
“All great spiritual texts and teachings are actually maps or navigational routes to God. The map is not meant to be that which is sought, it is only meant to help one find that which is sought and can never actually be fully named.
In other words, if you were given the most precious and miraculous of gifts, but did not know you carried this treasure inside you, and then you came across a treasure map that was meant to help you unlock this priceless internal treasure, it would not be the intent of the map for you to fall so in love with the map itself that it became your false treasure. It would not make sense for you to focus your attention so exclusively on the map, that you could not even experience or perceive the miraculous true gift within, once the map’s directions were followed.
Instead, wisdom lies in using the map merely to navigate but to never mistake the map for the treasure. For the only way in which the map is sacred is in how it serves to point to that which is truly sacred. So use great spiritual teachings as they were intended to be used, as a navigational route to the Garden of Eden that lies within. The gift and treasure is this garden, which is the deepest of loves and the most cohesive and coherent of forces. It envelopes you, everyone, and everything together in an internal eternal embrace.”
“Always know Our love is truly with you, because Our love truly is you”
Disclaimer: This information is not meant as medical advice, nor is it meant to diagnose or treat any disease or mental health disorder.