Lost in Translation

As channeled from the Beings of Light Through Liesel.
“Here is how We might describe what human language-based communication looks like from Our perspective:
Informational energy arises within a person. In its pure, vibrational form as informational energy it is actually quite precise and incredibly nuanced. Yet, when this informational energy is attempted to be communicated to another or even to oneself, this informational energy is fed through what could be thought of as an encryption program within the mind and is encoded into these things called words. In the case of communication between two people, one person sends words out to another person who then receives this encrypted message and feeds the words through their own internal decryption program. However, their
encryption/decryption program in not precisely the same as the encryption/decryption program of the first person, and in some cases, varies greatly. Every person’s encryption/decryption program is inextricable from and is created through their experiences and conditioning, and thus, what a series of words translates to in terms of informational energy in one person, is actually not exactly what those same words translate to as informational energy in another. Therefore, as the second person decrypts the words back into informational energy, the informational energy that has ultimately been communicated or transferred from one person to another has been distorted by the process of language-based communication.
This is why it is so helpful to assume the best of intentions in another and to give the other what you call ‘the benefit of the doubt.’ This is because not only is the other person actually a divine being made of the essence of love and light (just as you are) and is NOT their personality or what their personality says and does, but also because even their personality may not actually be intending to communicate what is ultimately being received by you.”
“Always know Our love is truly with you, because Our love truly is you”
Disclaimer: This information is not meant as medical advice, nor is it meant to diagnose or treat any disease or mental health disorder.