Frames of Reference

As channeled from the Beings of Light Through Liesel.
“In physics, there is a term called ‘frame of reference.’ So, for instance, if you are at a train station platform, and you observe a train pass through the station, you would be able to observe the speed at which it is traveling. If, however, you are a passenger on the train, and the train is traveling at a constant speed, you would actually not perceive the train as moving (because you are also simultaneously moving with the train.) It would only be changes in the speed of the train in the form of acceleration or deceleration that would register to you as movement. In fact, if you were not familiar with the workings of life on Earth, you very well might think that all of the things you saw through the boxcar window were actually moving, that the landscape itself was in motion and was speeding by. Your frame of reference would now be very different from that of an observer standing on the train platform of the train station that the train you are on just passed through. The actual movement of the train is not what changes. What changes is the frame of reference of observation of the train.
If you view your personal frame of reference as the absolute frame of reference, then when you are on the train you would say that the observations made by the person standing on the train platform are false. Yet, both you AND the person on the train platform have made accurate observations. Both sets of observations could be said to be relative truths. There are many relative truths in your world, many of them in seeming contradiction of one another. This need not cause distress when it is realized that these conflicting truths do not need to be reconciled. One need only use the truth that corresponds to one’s frame of reference, while still allowing the space for the other simultaneous truths to be.
If one were told to ‘head South for warmer weather,’ this would serve one quite well if one lived North of the equator. However, if one lived in the Southern Hemisphere, an ‘opposite’ truth would apply. Both truths are true from a particular frame of reference and false from another. It is the frame of reference that determines if a relative truth holds up or fails. You say that the Sun rises in the East and sets in the West, and this truth serves you quite well while your feet are planted on the Earth. Yet, of course, viewed from the perspective of many beings in the Universe, this is not really true. So, use a truth when it serves you, but do not cling to it, so that you may continually upgrade to more and more expansive frames of reference and their accompanying truths.
It is Our fervent desire that you experience and truly know the one absolute Truth that you actually already ARE, which the words 'love' and 'light' and 'oneness' can point to but never reach, for you can only reach this level of Truth through your awareness. Of course, you can speak of your soul, your soul’s plan, and your soul’s growth. You can speak of angels, guides, and masters. You can speak of dimensions. You can speak of many beautiful things and concepts, and, of course, all of these things and concepts are important, particularly within certain frames of reference.
Yet, there is a frame of reference from which all of this language is no longer relevant and no longer accurately describes reality, for within a certain frame of reference all separation dissolves. There is no longer your soul as separate from another’s soul. There is only Oneness and Unity and Love and Light, and even these words fail at describing and fully conveying that to which they attempt to point.”
“Always know Our love is truly with you, because Our love truly is you”
Disclaimer: This information is not meant as medical advice, nor is it meant to diagnose or treat any disease or mental health disorder.