A Channeled Message from the Beings of Light Regarding the US Capitol Events
As channeled from the Beings of Light Through Liesel.
“If you find yourself struggling with thoughts and judgments of condemnation of your fellow human, Donald Trump, and also those fellow humans who acted out their belief in him at the Capitol building (just to be clear We are not referring to condemnation of actions taken by him or them, We are referring to condemnation of the essence of him and them as human beings), We have this to share:
Do not allow the ego to use these events as an opportunity to mount an internal insurrection against the Unity Consciousness arising within you by convincing you that those who act lovelessly are unlovable. Not only are all beings lovable, more accurately, all beings ARE love. We would like to encourage you to remember that even the being that you call Donald Trump, contains within him the Spark of Light, and contains within him, at the deepest level, this same energy that We are that is now speaking through Liesel, and that is also within you and is also in all beings. There is a tremendous amount of perception coming toward this individual called Donald Trump, and his ardent followers, that actually blocks him and them from the possibility of accessing this energy. This ‘blocking’ can actually come from well-intentioned individuals, such as yourself because you perceive him and them not truly as fellow humans with souls, but rather, only as the conglomeration of the behaviors and thought-forms that Trump has given rise to and given voice to in your third-dimensional world. By perceiving him and them solely as this collection of behaviors and thought forms, and not holding the possibility for the Spark of Light within him and them to arise, you actually help to create that which you desperately hope to avoid. In this way, the magnified ego that is so vividly apparent within Donald Trump brings out the ego not only within many of his followers, but also within many of you. This is, ultimately (and this may not be fathomable to the human mind), a wonderful thing. There is much that is being ‘drawn out’ in your world. Just as a boil may come to the surface of the skin, or poison may be drawn out of a wound, the human collective mind is awash with many poisons which Spirit is currently attempting to draw out. However, many of you forget this bigger picture and instead only focus on the poisons themselves. Indeed, the very fact that these poisons are so prevalent in your world is positive evidence of the collective body of humanity purging these poisons from within itself.
If you perceive poisons within the world, realize that they cannot be remedied with adversarial energy. The only antidote is love. Adversarial energy always creates more of the very thing it opposes. So, be very mindful of how you, yourself, maybe introducing poison into the world.
If you perceive darkness in the world, do not fight the darkness, as the fight itself will inherently contain elements of the darkness. Instead shine light intensely, bravely, and with relentless love. Create so much illumination around the pockets of darkness, that it is clear for all to see what those pockets are, and they will dissolve in the power of this glaring brilliance. Also, allow for grace and forgiveness for yourself if you are temporarily overcome by the ego during this collective process of purging, and remember that to judge yourself is the same as to judge others, as there is really only the One.
And finally, a dear part of Us who you call Jesus has this to share:
‘I did not teach the people by rooting out the darkness within them. I taught the people by seeing even the faintest spark of light within them and nurturing and fanning that spark, until they, themselves, could begin to perceive it and continue to stoke the fire from within.’ “
Disclaimer: This information is not meant as medical advice, nor is it meant to diagnose or treat any disease or mental health disorder.