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Star Souls - February 11, 2024

SS February 11 2024

Awaken more fully to the special gifts, energies, and connections you brought with you into this Earthly lifetime.

February 11th at 10am ET

What is the purpose of the Star Soul’s workshop, as answered by the Beings of Light:

“Those who have deep connections to and gifts gained from other planetary, galactic, or dimensional lifetimes are one of the most powerful and currently under-utilized resources in the transformation of human consciousness, particularly during this time of Ascension. Star souls have been incarnating on Earth in greater and greater numbers in order to help humanity reach a critical threshold of vibration. Because these individuals can often struggle just to function in Earthly society and Earthly vibration, their tremendous gifts and luminous chords of energetic connection often go unacknowledged and unactualized. This workshop is meant to provide a nurturing and supportive environment in which participants can begin to open to and learn about these gifts and energies and begin the process of fully aligning with their Star Soul’s mission on Earth. So many of you long for ‘home,’ and yet, it is through you that ‘home’ is brought here to Earth.”

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soul plan, between lives soul regression, pre birth plan, pre-birth plan, life plan, between lives, soul regression, life between lives, LBL, between lives regression, Liesel Fricke, Anneliese Fricke, life of a soul, soul regression hypnosis, soul connect hypnosis, regression hypnosis, other lives, reincarnation, karma, higher self, empath, ascension, channeling, soul, healing
YOU SOULS PLAN Testimonial

A few potential benefits of the Star souls workshop:

- Learn why you volunteered and why you were chosen as one of the star souls who would incarnate on Earth at this pivotal time of planetary ascension and gain greater insight into your star soul’s purpose and mission on Earth

- Awaken more fully to the special gifts, energies, and connections you brought with you into this Earthly lifetime

- Through a profound experience of your true star soul nature, begin to awaken to greater peace, love, and joy in your daily life

A Between Lives Star Soul Regression

A Between Lives Star Soul Regression or BLSSR is a sacred experience in which you can be immersed in the energies of the other planetary/galactic/and dimensional realms that your Star Soul knows, as well as return to the non-physical interconnected realm your soul recognizes as your true home. This is your home between all types of incarnations and is where you experience and remember your identity as a part of the ultimate Source. A Between Lives Star Soul Regression is a powerful and potentially deeply healing way to gain an expanded awareness of the nature of your soul and a profound understanding of the plan for, and purpose of, your life here on Earth.

A Between Lives Star Soul Regression begins with some preliminary steps that are intended to help you relax deeply, and enter an expanded state of awareness. Rob will use his hypnosis skills to expertly guide you on a journey to reunite and reconnect with your Star Soul family. They will help you remember the lifetimes you had with them that are relevant to your current Earthly lifetime and mission. Then, they will escort you
to the vibrational level of the Guides and Angels of the Many ‘I’s. These are the Guides and Angels of Interplanetary, Intergalactic, and InterdimensionaI Incarnation and Invocation. These are the extremely evolved, loving, and wise beings that oversee the
lifetimes of souls that incarnate within different planetary and galactic worlds and/or invoke beingness in other dimensional realms (including non-physical realms.) The Guides and Angels of the Many ‘I’s have a deep understanding and awareness of the
entire history of your soul as well as how it relates to and is embedded within the One or Unity Consciousness.

You will have the opportunity to feel the profound unconditional love and complete non-judgement that these enlightened beings feel for you. You can ask them any questions you have, including any questions about what you have experienced in your
current lifetime and your soul’s plans around those experiences. As well, you can ask them for greater clarity regarding the highest vibrational plan your soul wishes to invoke moving forward in life. You will have the opportunity to be reborn into this Earthly lifetime in greater alignment with the divine blueprint for your purpose on Earth, and have the opportunity for the activation of those gifts, energies and connections your Star soul most wishes to embrace and embody in your current Earthly lifetime that have been held in a state of perfection for you within this divine blueprint.

Schedule (All times are US Eastern Time and are approximate except for the 10am start times):

Sunday, February 11th:

9:45am-10am: pre-session Zoom troubleshooting (if needed)

10am-11am: meditation to begin opening to Star Soul energies and introduction to Star Souls

11am-11:10am: short break

11:10am-1pm: Between Lives Star Soul Regression

1pm-2:30pm: lunch and journaling break

2:30pm-3:30pm: discussion and sharing

Register Now!

1. Workshop participants must be at least 18 years old.

2. Workshop materials and instruction are proprietary to Rob Schwartz, Anneliese (Liesel) Fricke, and the presenting LLC. No participant or third party may use or republish such materials or instruction without the express written permission of the copyright owner(s)

3. Workshop participation is limited to the enrolled individual. Participant agrees that s/he will not share the workshop experience (including the workshop’s supplemental materials) with any third party or record it for such purpose, or any other purpose.

4. Workshop participants may be afforded an opportunity to join one or more Facebook groups or other social media groups that relate to this workshop. The workshop proprietors maintain the right, but not the obligation, to monitor the content of their membership forums, social media pages, and websites, and to remove any material or postings determined by them to be inappropriate, destructive, or otherwise objectionable, including, but not limited to posts promoting other businesses or services, discussions they deem not relevant to the purpose of the group, and hostile or inflammatory remarks. They may remove such posts at their sole discretion and without notice, and may block access to any individual(s) if deemed necessary for the well-being of the group.


1.  I voluntarily, knowingly, and freely assume all risks, both known and unknown, even if arising from or in the course of my participation in the workshop or use of supplemental workshop materials. 

2. I willingly agree to comply with the accompanying Terms and Conditions for this workshop.

3.  I acknowledge that Robert Schwartz and Anneliese (Liesel) Fricke are NOT trained mental health or medical practitioners.  I am aware that at no time will they be providing medical or mental health therapy.  
4.  I affirm that meditation and hypnosis are appropriate for me and do not conflict with any existing medical, psychological or psychiatric treatment.  If there is any possible conflict, I agree to seek out the advice of my physician or other medical practitioner.  I further acknowledge that no warranty is given, expressed or implied, for satisfactory results from any meditation, hypnotic regression or information provided as a part of this workshop, or its supplemental materials.  
5. I am aware that I may choose to stop any meditation or hypnotic regression that is a part of this workshop or its supplemental materials simply by opening my eyes. If I become aware of any hazard to me during the course of my presence or participation in the workshop, or supplemental materials activity, I will remove myself from participation in the workshop or supplemental materials activity.
6. I am aware that the meditation(s) and hypnotic regression in the workshop and workshop supplemental materials are NOT meant to be done while driving or in the course of any other potentially dangerous activity. In addition, I have been cautioned not to drive or engage in any potentially dangerous activity within thirty (30) minutes of doing any meditation or hypnotic regression that is a part of this workshop, or its supplemental materials.
7. I understand that if I need assistance during my hypnosis experience during the workshop, that I may send a private message to the workshop (Zoom) Moderator. The workshop (Zoom) Moderator is NOT a trained mental health or medical practitioner. At no time will the Moderator be providing medical or mental health therapy. I affirm that my exchange of private messages with the Moderator may be shared with Robert Schwartz and/or Anneliese (Liesel) Fricke, and agree that Robert Schwartz and/or Anneliese (Liesel) Fricke may read my exchange of messages with the Moderator.

8. I, for myself and on behalf of my heirs, assigns, personal representatives and next of kin, in conjunction with my participation in the workshop and use of workshop supplemental materials,  I HEREBY RELEASE, INDEMNIFY, AND HOLD HARMLESS  Robert Schwartz and Anneliese (Liesel) Fricke, as well as their LLC(s) and its officers, officials, agents and/or employees, the Moderator, other participants, and, if applicable, owners and lessors of premises used in conjunction with the activity (Releasees), from any and all claims, demands, losses, and liability arising out of or related to any injury, disability or death I may suffer, or loss or damage to person or property, whether arising from an act or omission of the Releasees, violation of my right to privacy or otherwise, to the fullest extent permitted by law.
Price: $160.00
This purchase is for the Star Souls workshop with Rob Schwartz on February 11, 2024. Refund and cancellation policy: All sales final; no refunds. If you have an emergency that prevents you from attending the workshop last minute, you are welcome to transfer/participate in another online workshop. When you register for the workshop, you agree to these terms.