Your Soul's Plan by Robert Schwartz
Did I really plan this

You've made your first step on a profound journey of enlightenment.

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Our life plans are designed to heal certain energies left unresolved from our prior lifetimes. These include judgment (of self or others), blame (of self or others), anger, guilt, and many other such negative emotions. If we complete lifetimes with these emotions still present in our consciousness, they become like residue on our souls.

Ready for more?

Join Rob, Liesel and the BOL (Beings of Light) for a journey into enlightenment. 

Here is a loving invitation to join us from the Beings of Light:

"As We embark on this adventure together, We wish for you to know and always remember that you are infinitely loved and infinitely supported.  We love you completely and utterly, without any reservation or exception, regardless of anything that you have done or not done in your current lifetime or any other lifetime.

The fact that We love you in this way does not mean that We do not know you.  It means that We may know you more deeply than you (currently) know yourself.  It is Our greatest wish that through this journey together that you may come to know yourself and others as the profound love We already perceive you to be, the profound love that is the true you and is also inextricably a part of Us and of All."