Respond from Source

As channeled from the Beings of Light Through Liesel.

“Like the saying ‘don’t throw good money after bad,’ We encourage you not to ‘throw good energy after bad.’  So, do not allow the negative energy that is sent in your direction by another person to cause you to cut off your own connection to Source.  Be very mindful not to be dragged downwards into a similar vibratory level as the other person’s energy.  Instead allow their energy to flow unobstructed and ground into and be absorbed by Mother Earth, Gaia.  For she is an expert upcycler of energy and can turn all frequencies of energy into a kind of energetic compost that then becomes nourishing for the planet.

Realize that the other person in the dynamic is cutting themselves off from the flow of Source, otherwise they would not behave in the way they are behaving.  So, one person in the dynamic is already in a contracted, separation-minded state.  They are in a state that A Course in Miracles describes as ‘a call for love.’  So, be very mindful and attentive internally so that you do not allow their energy to cause you to also separate from Source.  Of course, this does not mean that you cannot take appropriate action to ensure your own or others’ safety, or that you need to remain in the same physical space as this other person.  It does not mean that you are condoning what the other person is saying or doing.  It simply means that you are responding from a place of continuing your connection to the Oneness, to Source, instead of contracting into a place of separation-mindedness.  In other words, do not give up your most precious gift, your connection to Source, in response to this interaction.  Only you can shut this flow down, and only you can reopen to the flow of life itself, within.  So, respond from a place of love, and remember that a ‘No’ can be said with as much love as a ‘Yes,’ and a boundary that is set with loving intention is a boundary that does not impede the flow of Source.”

“Always know Our love is truly with you, because Our love truly is you”

Disclaimer: This information is not meant as medical advice, nor is it meant to diagnose or treat any disease or mental health disorder.

Anneliese Fricke

About Liesel Fricke

Liesel helps people all over the world transform their consciousness and lives through the workshops she co-teaches with her husband, Robert Schwartz.  Liesel understands firsthand the powerful mechanism of transformation that intense life challenges can be when we allow them to crack us open.  In response to her own intense struggles with severe obsessive compulsive disorder and depression, Liesel opened and surrendered to the depths of her being.  The spiritual opening that followed led to her capacity to connect with Unity Consciousness (Oneness) and the loving, wise beings that reside in this state of consciousness who she and Rob affectionately call The Beings of Light.  It is Liesel’s highest priority to share the profound love and wisdom of these highly evolved light beings with humanity in the messages, teachings, and meditations she channels.   Liesel and Rob are thrilled to be currently working on a book based on many of the channelings. They are excited to share with the world the powerful love and insight that emerges from the sacred internal and eternal space where all are One.  It is in this Oneness field within that we can all find the Truth of who we are as infinite unbounded love. 

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