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Discover Your Empath Superpower! July 11, 2023

soul plan, between lives soul regression, pre birth plan, pre-birth plan, life plan, between lives, soul regression, life between lives, LBL, between lives regression, Liesel Fricke, Anneliese Fricke, life of a soul, soul regression hypnosis, soul connect hypnosis, regression hypnosis, other lives, reincarnation, karma, higher self, empath, ascension, channeling, soul, healing

Join Rob, Liesel, and the Beings of Light, and learn to use your natural tendency to merge in order to merge with Source.

July 11th at 7pm ET

What to expect:

In this workshop, you can...

- Reframe how you perceive your empathic nature, and realize that you have tremendous gifts and opportunities for raising your vibration and consciousness because of your natural inclination towards merging.

- Learn how to “merge in and up” to Source before you merge out into the world so that you enter the word with Source flowing through you, which keeps you from becoming depleted.

- Learn to practice surrendering to Source as a powerful tool whenever you notice negative thoughts or emotions arising.

- Learn to relocate your seat of awareness such that you realize more and more that you are not your thoughts and emotions; rather, you are the awareness, the Source energy, that is experiencing a temporary ripple of thought or emotion on the surface of its infinitely deep waters.

Within a few days of registering, you will receive a recording of a beautiful meditation entitled “Merging Heaven and Earth Within” channeled by Liesel from the Beings of Light, and led by Rob. This meditation is designed to help you better connect with the energy of Mother Earth and with the divine energy of Source. The meditation is also designed to help balance and cleanse your chakras in the process.

You can use this meditation in the days leading up to the workshop to help you get the most out of your workshop experience! You will also be able to continue working with the “Merging Heaven and Earth Within” meditation after the workshop as a wonderful resource for aligning yourself and aiding in your continued expansion and evolution.

Here is a loving invitation to join us from the Beings of Light:

“As We embark on this adventure together, We wish for you to know and always remember that you are infinitely loved and infinitely supported. We love you completely and utterly, without any reservation or exception, regardless of anything that you have done or not done in your current lifetime or any other lifetime.

The fact that We love you in this way does not mean that We do not know you. It means that We may know you more deeply than you (currently) know yourself. It is Our greatest wish that through this journey together that you may come to know yourself and others as the profound love We already correctly perceive you to be, the profound love that is the true you and is also inextricably a part of Us and of All.”

“Always know Our love is truly with you, because Our love truly is you.”

July 11th Workshop Schedule:

7pm to 7:15pm - Liesel leads brief opening meditation.

7:15pm to 7:45pm - Rob and Liesel will share how to start utilizing your own empathic nature to expand your consciousness. Liesel will share some powerful wisdom from the Beings of Light about the true nature of all and about levels of awareness.

7:45pm to 8:15pm - Rob will lead the “Empaths Merging with Source” meditation channeled by Liesel from the Beings of Light.

8:15pm to 9pm - Sharing and Q&A

Empath testimonial